Families Anonymous Richmond (FA) is a fellowship & support for those concerned about another's use of alcohol, drugs, or related behavior problems, whether current, suspected, or former problem.
Available Meetings- In-person & online.
A group consists primarily of parents, but adult relatives and friends, as well as others dealing with a family member's substance use disorder, are welcome members of the group. The program focuses on the recovery of the family, not the user. The basic strength of the program comes from fellowship and sharing of concerns. Members learn that the illness affects the lives of everyone close to them and that there are ways to regain their serenity. To get their lives back together, FA members work the twelve steps, attend weekly meetings, and take advantage of the fellowship that is freely offered by other members. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of the meeting & provides protection & respect for the fellowship.
There are no fees or dues and each group is self supporting.
Other meeting options
1)No meeting in your area? Join online or an email listserv
FA WSO Meetings
updated 1/5/2025 FamiliesAnonymousRichmond website FARichmond.info voicemail 804-601-8735